Volunteers Needed for Communion Sundays

Serve the Lord by Serving at His Table!


The central Sacrament of our faith is Holy Communion. Preparation for this holy experience requires the hands and hearts of those willing to serve at the Lord’s Table by preparing it for celebration of the Sacrament. Your church needs your help!


We are looking for twelve (12) people who have a desire to serve the Lord by serving His Table of Love and Grace through the preparation of the Communion elements prior to our monthly observance of Holy Communion, and then cleaning up afterwards. Twelve people would allow us to have teams that could rotate through the year so that no one serves more than twice a year.


Preparation involves arriving early enough on a Communion Sunday to prepare the elements and arrange them on the altar prior to the 8:45 a.m. service. Following that service, the elements will be refreshed, and additional elements will be prepared for the 11:00 a.m. service. After that service, all items are cleaned and put away. One person will be designated to buy the required amount of bread and juice. Instructions and training will be provided.


Is the Lord calling you to be one of His Table-servers? If so, please contact Barbara Boemer, leave a message, and she will call you back.


Thank you, in advance, for your willingness to serve the Lord at AHUMC!