1st September Board of Stewards Meeting - Reopening Update!

Greetings. Summer is ending and we are still working through the impact of the pandemic. Whether our visits to HEB, the reopening of schools, or transitioning our normal activities online, including worship, we encounter the obstacles and limitations placed in our way. The board and staff are diligently working on opportunities to connect with you. The September 2 board meeting addressed these.

The preliminary financial report for August continues to provide hope. Thank you for your continued support through donations and tithes. That, along with the federal loan and the Foundation support, has provided sustaining revenue. Pastor Holly and the staff are designing a fall stewardship campaign themed on “A Generous Life." Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity. -Luke 6:38, The Message. You will see more on this in the coming weeks.

We have exciting news from the Building Reopening Task Force. The Board approved a target date of September 20 for the resumption of in-person worship. Initially, two services will be offered – the modern service in the CLC at 9:30 a.m., and the traditional service in the Sanctuary at 11 a.m. The coronavirus has not gone away. We do not have a vaccine. Therefore, care must be given by all to proceed. Both the CLC and the Sanctuary will set up to accommodate the guidelines for social distancing. You can help us prepare by registering at ahumc.org/here.

Live stream worship has been our mainstay since Spring. Pastor Holly, Ryan Kuecks, Kacey Brewer, and the staff have done such a remarkable job in creating this. The Trustees committee met and approved the expenditure of funds for equipment needed to upgrade the system within the Sanctuary. Visiting the Sanctuary today requires avoiding equipment and cables throughout the Sanctuary. The new system will make permanent the tools needed to provide a quality experience for all attending online.

The other virtual offerings also have helped us stay connected. The staff has created a Fall schedule of opportunities to enrich our lives. Please visit the courses website and sign up for the class or event that most touches you. I’ve signed up for two. We thank them for their creativity.

Whether through the streaming worship or other online connections, we have been blessed with many new viewers from beyond our physical area. Our mission is to partner with God by making disciples of Jesus Christ. Our identity is to be a Christian community of love, hope, and belonging to all. We are doing this in such a variety of ways. Thank you for your support as we move forward. Blessings to all.


Kathryn “Kitty” Meyers
