NAMI Family-to-Family

NAMI Family-to-Family is a free, 8-session education program specifically for family members, partners, and friends of adults (18+) who live with mental illness. The course is designed to facilitate a better understanding of mental illness, increase coping and empower participants to become advocates for their family members.


This program was designated as an evidence-based program by SAMHSA. The course is also available in Spanish, De Familia a Familia de NAMI.


What You’ll Gain


The seminar is led by trained people with lived experience of supporting a family member with a mental health condition. They will walk you through the following topics.


  • How to manage crises, solve problems, and communicate effectively
  • Taking care of yourself and managing your stress
  • Developing the confidence and stamina to provide support with compassion
  • Up-to-date information on mental health conditions and how they affect the brain
  • Current treatments, including evidence-based therapies, medications, and side effects
  • The impact of mental illness on the entire family


What People Are Saying


“This course overall was the single most, without a doubt, helpful and informative thing ever offered in all my years searching for answers… It has helped me to understand better and communicate more effectively with my brother.”


“The course has helped me to realize that my son is still inside the body that is often times hidden by the mental illness and that I am not alone in this.”


Registration is Required


NAMI Family-to-Family will be held on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. beginning March 4 in room W105 at AHUMC.



Contact Jackie or Ed Dickey with any questions on these programs.