November 8, 2022
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As we approach Thanksgiving and enter a season of Advent, we are writing to all members of Alamo Heights United Methodist Church to ask that you prayerfully consider serious matters coming before our congregation. As Pastor Jason shared in his letter dated October 27, “…there are issues and potential schism facing the United Methodist Church, and…those issues could impact AHUMC.”
More recently, these issues have been brought to the forefront as members of our own congregation have begun circulating a petition to solicit support for a Church meeting in which a congregational vote on discernment can be held. Discernment is a 6-month process led by the Rio Texas Conference to specifically consider disaffiliation from the United Methodist Church. Discernment is not a forum for discussing ways in which our church can grow in ministry and outreach.
To be clear—our clergy, staff, and this Board of Stewards do not wish to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church.
As Stewards of AHUMC, it is our desire to respond to any concerns in a way that unites us around our shared beliefs, which are stronger than the disagreements that threaten to divide us. We anticipate the official process of discernment will emphasize disputes and culminate in a congregational vote to disaffiliate, thereby creating financial hardship, promoting further conflict, and irreparably harming this Body of Christ, regardless of the vote’s outcome.
We believe our entire congregation needs to be informed about the discernment process and the potential outcomes and consequences that could result from that process. Accordingly, Pastor Jason has invited the Rev. Kendall Waller, Director and Administrator of the Rio Texas Conference, to be at our church this Thursday, November 10, at 6:30 PM to address our congregation in the Sanctuary. This is an opportunity for church members to receive information and ask questions. We strongly urge you to attend this meeting in person or through the live stream.
As Board members, we are committed to keeping all of us united in purposefully serving Jesus Christ. Our call is to unite as a congregation in a way that helps us live out our mission of being a loving and welcoming church for all.
In Christ,
Members of the Alamo Heights UMC Board of Stewards
Kathryn “Kitty” Meyers, Chair
Members: Scott Boynton, Carol Cauley, Dale Clark, Dianne Dorsett, Frank Guerra, Carr Hornbuckle, Charles Johnson, David Kinder, Roger Lind, Brian Nash, Lydia Ponce, Jack Rodgers, Dan St. Romain
Following the November 10 meeting, the Board of Stewards will share information about when and where we will be available to meet with members of the congregation to listen and discuss these matters further.