Greetings AHUMC,
The Board of Stewards met on Thursday, February 20. It was the first opportunity for the 2020 Board to gather in the standard meeting format to address current issues and look forward to the staff plans for the coming year. This was also the Board’s opportunity to interact with more of the staff in an effort to create greater connectivity.
Of the issues discussed, the financial situation of the Church was paramount. Andy Ahrens, the Finance Committee Chair, gave a realistic report on our current state. January, a normally low participation month, came in with a larger decrease in revenue than anticipated. He identified key efforts implemented to minimize this impact. The budget will be closely monitored to ensure financial stability.
Bill Balthrope, Foundation Chair, discussed the call of the Foundation and discussed the Foundation’s goal of addressing stewardship with the Congregation. The committee will be addressing goals to assist the church in fulfilling its mission.
The biggest takeaway from the meeting was the discussion led by Pastor Matt on the plans the staff has created to begin implementing the Identity Statement of “AHUMC is a Christian community of hope, faith and belonging for all.” The staff developed action plans to create new communication opportunities to the Church community, develop a variety of opportunities for connections within the Congregation and the wider community, and to review current offerings to ensure that the community’s needs are effectively and efficiently met. It is exciting to see these goals in place. We look forward to the development of the steps to make these realities.
The Board of Stewards meetings are an opportunity for the leadership – lay, pastoral, and staff – to gather to interact for the betterment of the life of the Church. The issues discussed do have an impact on day-to-day as well as longer term actions. The congregation is welcomed to observe the activities. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 19 at 6:30 p.m. in the West Wing Seminar Room. If interested in attending, add this to your calendar.
Prayers for the upcoming Lenten weeks.
Kathryn “Kitty” Meyers