Dear Friends,
Life is a journey. Those of us who recognize a loving God are blessed to walk this spiritual path together. I am privileged to be on this journey in the love of Christ. We have many milestones to celebrate over the past year.
• 26 baptisms
• 78 new members
• Our average Children's Sunday school attendance increased from 52 to 63
(We have actually outgrown our Children's space. There is such a thing as a good problem!)
• Our average in-person worship attendance increased to 520
• Our average online worship attendance increased to 926
This journey of faith would be selfish and shallow if we did not include ministry and outreach to the world. I once heard a church consultant ask a church, "If your church disappeared tomorrow, would your community even notice?" This question is meant to assess a church's mission and impact in the community and the world. Here are some markers to highlight from AHUMC’s outreach in 2024:
• 6 different 12-Step recovery programs welcomed over 150 people in 11 weekly meetings
• 7 different support groups welcomed and cared for hundreds of people each month
• 30 different community groups utilized our campus
• 36 large community events were hosted on our campus
• 177 clients were served through The Hope Center
• 189 blessing bags and 4,286 cans of food were distributed
• 775 Heart Pillows were crafted and donated to hospitals
• 181 volunteers helped our Pumpkin Patch raise $17,490 to further fund outreach
• 35 students reflecting ethnic and economic diversity are enrolled in Arts for All
I have no doubt our community would feel the loss if AHUMC ceased to exist. The Message Bible says it well,
"Do you see what we've got? An unshakeable kingdom! And do you see how
thankful we must be? Not only thankful, but brimming with worship, deeply
reverent before God."
— Hebrews 12:28
Again, I give thanks and am blessed to be on this journey of faith with you. I am grateful for your faithful service and giving, and I know we will finish the year meeting all of our financial goals.
Merry Christmas,
Senior Pastor