Angel Tree

Help bless a child this Christmas! Since 2006, we have been serving and supporting our Methodist brothers and sisters in Christ in Piedras Negras, Mexico. We will have an Angel Tree set up in the atrium of the church beginning Nov. 22. You can select an angel from the tree, shop for a gift for that child, and return the unwrapped gift to the front desk at the church by Sunday, Dec. 13.


But you don't have to pick up an angel in person to provide a gift for a child. You can shop for a child using the suggestions below and just bring the unwrapped gift to the church by Dec. 13.



$10-$12 limit on gifts

1 gift per child

Gifts should be UNWRAPPED

(no battery operated toys please!)

*Gifts due by Sunday, Dec. 13*


Suggestions for boys ages 2-9:

anything sports related - toy cars/trucks - bubbles - crayons - coloring books - books in Spanish


Suggestions for boys ages 10+:

anything sports related - books in Spanish


Suggestions for girls ages 2-9:

anything sports related - dolls - bubbles - crayons - coloring books - books in Spanish


Suggestions for girls ages 10+:

anything sports related - colored pencils & coloring books - hair accessories - nail polish - books in Spanish.


*Note: Currently the greatest need is for gifts for girls ages 10+


Thank you for sharing your love and generosity with these precious children!