Flowers at AHUMC
Memorial Flowers Sanctuary Flowers Easter Lilies Christmas Poinsettias
Memorial Flowers
Sanctuary Flowers
Easter Lilies
Christmas Poinsettias
Each year for our Easter services, we adorn the Sanctuary and the Christian Life Center (CLC) with flowers that can be given in memory or honor of a beloved family member or friend. This year, the flowers available to order will be lilies, caladiums, and kalanchoes.
The deadline for Easter honorariums and memorials is Sunday, April 6, 2025.
Envelopes for flower orders are available:
at the reception desk
in the sanctuary pews
at the entrances of the Sanctuary and the CLC.
Completed envelopes can be returned to:
the offering collection on Sundays
the reception desk
Leah Jayne through the mail
For more information, contact Leah Jayne.
Each year for our Easter services, we adorn the Sanctuary and the Christian Life Center (CLC) with lilies that can be given in memory or honor of a beloved family member or friend.
The deadline for Easter honorariums and memorials is Sunday, April 6, 2025.
Envelopes for lily orders are available:
at the reception desk
in the sanctuary pews
at the entrances of the Sanctuary and the CLC.
Completed envelopes can be returned to:
the offering collection on Sundays
the reception desk
Leah Jayne through the mail
For more information, contact Leah Jayne.
People like you help decorate our worship spaces by making a donation in memory of a loved one, to honor someone, or for other special event.
These dedications are noted in the order of worship. To make a flower donation, complete the form below or contact Leah Jayne in the church office at 210-826-3215.
Flowers are an important part of our worship spaces. They remind us that the God who cares for these small plants, which are here today and gone tomorrow, cares so much more for us.
To donate flowers in memorial or honor of someone, contact Leah Jayne in the church office at 210-826-3215 or complete the form below and we will contact you.
The AHUMC Flower Team uses larger flower arrangements from our Sunday worship services, weddings, funerals, and special events to create smaller, personal arrangements that are then delivered to hospitals, extended care facilities, and homes as a way to let folks know they are seen and loved.
No floral background is needed—just a desire to serve those in our midst with a pretty bouquet that says AHUMC cares!
If you would like to arrange or deliver flowers, or, if you would like to learn how to arrange flowers, we have a spot for you! Volunteers serve in rotation as they are able.
Learn more about volunteering with the Flower Team.
No. We no longer accept donations of flower vases. Please consider recycling or donating any unwanted vases to GoodWill.
The Flower Team
Flower arrangers meet on Sunday immediately after worship from 12—1 p.m.
Flower deliverers meet on Monday mornings except on holidays.
All are welcome
Volunteer with the Flower Team
Contact Leah Jayne with any questions
Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin.
Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.
Luke 12:27
Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin.
Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.
Luke 12:27
People like you help decorate our worship spaces by making a donation in memory of a loved one, to honor someone, or for other special event.
These dedications are noted in the order of worship. To make a flower donation, complete the form below or contact Leah Jayne in the church office at 210-826-3215.
Flowers are an important part of our worship spaces. They remind us that the God who cares for these small plants, which are here today and gone tomorrow, cares so much more for us.
To donate flowers in memorial or honor of someone, contact Leah Jayne in the church office at 210-826-3215 or complete the form below and we will contact you.
The AHUMC Flower Team uses larger flower arrangements from our Sunday worship services, weddings, funerals, and special events to create smaller, personal arrangements that are then delivered to hospitals, extended care facilities, and homes as a way to let folks know they are seen and loved.
If you would like to arrange or deliver flowers, or, if you would like to learn how to arrange flowers, we have a spot for you! Volunteers serve in rotation as they are able.
Learn more about volunteering with the Flower Team.
No. We no longer accept donations of flower vases. Please consider recycling or donating any unwanted vases to GoodWill.
The Flower Team
Flower arrangers meet on Sunday afternoons except on holidays.
Flower deliverers meet on Monday mornings except on holidays.
All are welcome
Volunteer with the Flower Team
Contact Leah Jayne with any questions
Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin.
Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor
was dressed like one of these.
Luke 12:27