Thank You for Stewardship 2023

On behalf of Alamo Heights United Methodist Church, we want to thank you for your faithful support, not just financially, but with your prayers, presence, service, and witness.


With your support, we closed the year with only a $32,000 budget deficit—much better than planned! This small deficit was covered by some of the tax credits we received as part of the American Rescue Plan. Your generous support continues to allow our church to emerge from the pandemic with confidence as we carry the gospel of Jesus Christ to our community and the world.


We have ambitious goals for 2023, and exciting things are happening around the church:


  • The church playground will undergo a comprehensive upgrade.  
  • The Weekday School is in the process of expanding operating hours so that working families will have access to full-time care.
  • We are planning to offer an afterschool arts program to underserved children in our community schools.


Another significant goal for 2023 involves improving our drought-stricken landscaping. A local landscape architect has generously provided a design plan for the terrace area outside of our Atrium. We have secured approximately 15% of the funding for this project and are confidently praying for additional resources. Our hope is to make our campus as welcoming on the outside as the people are inside.


On Thursday, February 23, we held a Town Hall meeting in the Sanctuary to discuss a potential ground lease on the northeast corner of our parking lot. Funds from this ground lease would be used as an additional revenue source for our budget and capital expenditures fund. Our ministries need resources to grow, and our campus and facilities continue to require repair. Faithful stewardship of our property includes utilizing our assets to grow the church, fund missions and ministries, and provide for the care of our beautiful campus that serves the community.


Thank you for being a part of this incredible church community. I know you are as excited as we are for the journey ahead.



Thank you,


Senior Pastor Jason Adams