Our Sanctuary Altar Has New Look and More Options for Giving!

On Sunday, June 21, the beautiful altar flowers in the Sanctuary signaled a change in look and placement.  In the past, we have had either one or two arrangements of flowers for our Chancel setting on any given Sunday. Each arrangement was given by a family or individual in memory or honor of persons or occasions. 

Altar flowers enhance the worship experience in the church Sanctuary and glorify God. They reflect not only the beauty of God’s creation but works of beauty that we can offer back to God. Now with the move to the new design for flower style and placement, we are thrilled to open up the number of donors who can give for a particular Sunday not only to remember or honor loved ones or friends but also to remember such things as birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, baptisms, holidays, etc. 

With our new arrangement, flowers can be from multiple families, a whole class, mission group, or ministry, and all will be listed in the bulletin. The specific charge for flowers is being replaced by asking for a donation to support the Flower Ministry. We hope this will encourage more people to participate in this beautiful ministry.

Following the 11:00 am Service, our Flower Ministry will create smaller arrangements and distribute them to our shut-ins or local retirement communities unless otherwise indicated. Thus the beautiful flowers will bring joy and blessing to many others beyond the worship setting.

A new sign-up form is being planned for our AHUMC website to make reserving your Sunday easier. In the meantime, you may contact Leah Jayne in the Church Office (210-826-3215) or ljayne@ahumc.org to reserve your Sunday to glorify God and remember others. Please send check made out to AHUMC and mark envelope Attention: Rev. Donna Strieb.


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