Christmas Poinsettias

Each year we adorn the sanctuary and the Christian Life Center (CLC) with poinsettiea plants in addition to our beautiful Chrismon trees. Plants and flowers in our worship spaces, including our Christmas plants, are not included in the yearly budget, so we rely on your generosity to provide them. 


Poinsettias can be given in memory or in honor of a beloved family member or friend. Envelopes for giving will be available at the reception desk, at the entrances of the sanctuary and the CLC, and in the pews of the sanctuary.


Your completed envelopes can be put in the offering plates on Sunday or left with the receptionist during the week or mailed to Leah Jayne at the church. If you cannot come to the church to get an envelope yet desire to donate, contact Leah Jayne


Thursday, December 15, 2022 is the return deadline in order to have the names in the Christmas Eve bulletin. Donations after that time will go to helping with the sanctuary altar flowers during the rest of the year. 


Thank you for your continued support and generous contributions that enable the church to offer visual beauty in worship.