March Board of Stewards Meeting

Greetings AHUMC,

In these challenging times, a message from your Board of Stewards. Our March meeting was held as scheduled. However, circumstanced dictated that we meet virtually. Isn’t technology wonderful! When our movements and ability to physically connect are disrupted, we can still interact. This is especially important for the Board to ensure that we are connecting to conduct the business of the church.

Valerie Slade presented a very good financial report for the month of February. Receipts were up and expenses down. Additionally, more households are giving this year, and the amount given per household has also increased.

The discussion then turned to the realities of March. The church facilities have temporarily closed. Our maintenance staff will be on hand to ensure that everything is clean and maintained for when we can return. In the interim, staff is working from home. Expenses are being closely monitored. The particular sadness is the closing of the Weekday School. At this time we are uncertain when we will be able to reopen the church building or announce any plans for reopening the Weekday School.

The most important fact is that the church is US, you and me and all of us. The pastors and staff are working on ways that we can all connect virtually. Some classes are already being offered using meeting services such as Zoom. The use of social media to connect Sunday School classes and small groups is in coordination. Every avenue to continue our community is being explored.

Remember that we are a Christian community of hope, love, and belonging for all. Our faith will sustain us as we face each day. Our focus is to remain calm in this adversity. Connect with us through the website or Facebook. Times are tough and the need is great. I just set up a recurring draw to ensure that my tithing is current. Any opportunity to assist will enable us to keep helping those in need.

Most important is that you stay connected. If you are in need, please contact me, Holly, the other pastors, staff, or a fellow congregant. You are not alone. Prayers for safety, for healing, and most important, for each other.

Kathryn “Kitty” Meyers



An Update of Staff Changes

Today, we want to recognize several staff changes. We are excited to announce that Chris Estus has accepted a voluntary position as Director of Recovery Ministries at AHUMC. Chris has worked alongside the church for years facilitating the recovery communities that meet here and at Haven for Hope. As our dedication to recovery continues to grow and we begin to host a regular recovery worship gathering every month, his presence onsite will allow us to better serve these communities. Welcome Chris next time you see him.

We celebrate with Manny Cevallos as he has accepted a supervisory maintenance position at Community Bible Church. After 7 years of faithful service, we appreciate all the hard work he has put into our facility over the years. His skills, expertise, and selfless can-do attitude demonstrated that he was not just taking care of the building but also the people inside.

We also celebrate with Danielle Lair as she has accepted a Director of Children’s Ministry position with Lake Travis UMC in Austin, and will be working with Pastor Scott Heare. Danielle has touched many hearts in her 4 years working with our children and we are excited for her promotion and wish her the best as she begins this new chapter.

Please keep Danielle, Manny, and their families in your prayers as they take this next step forward. While they will be greatly missed, we know they will be a special blessing to their new congregations as they have been to ours.