Celebrating Our 2024 Manger Collection Drive & Angel Tree

We're so grateful to announce that our latest Manger Collection Drive & Angel Tree was another success!


The information below shows how our AHUMC community shared joy and created miracles during Advent 2024. Our church donated and distributed over 673 items to various ministries around San Antonio and sent toys to the Texas Border.



Amounts raised and donated:


  • 372 toiletry items to the San Antonio Metropolitan Ministry (SAMM)
  • 25 bed-in-a-bag sets, 18 twin sheets, and four pillows to Sleep in Heavenly Peace for children without a bed to sleep in at night
  • 26 single pots and pans, 23 complete sets of pots and pans, nine sets of assorted utensils, and a coffee pot to Magdalena House
  • 155 new toys were given to three ministries, including Impacto Community Church, the Methodist Church in Piedras Negras, Mexico, and Emmanuel UMC
  • 40 jackets for children and youth at Emmanuel UMC



May the joy on the children's faces below also bring joy to your hearts. Again, we extend our deepest gratitude for your generosity this season.


Corinthians 9:72
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.