Board of Stewards Update: March 2022
Kitty Meyers, Board Chair
The church Board of Stewards met for its monthly meeting on Thursday, March 17. After the Board preliminaries, Pastor Holly Gotelli gave us an update on the postponement of the UMC General Conference. As a recap, the conference has again been postponed and is now planned for 2024. Please see Pastor Holly’s message regarding this adjustment in the church’s weekly eblast sent to all congregants on the March 17.
The Finance Department provided a review of the February financial status. Congratulations to Valerie Slade in her promotion as Executive Director and Dana Hawkes in her promotion as Associate Director of Finance. Both are well deserved. The church continues in a positive financial direction, and tithes and offerings were very strong. The Sunday plate cash offerings are close to pre-pandemic levels, indicating the increase in visitors to our services. Weddings and room rentals are also increasing as more groups are using our campus facilities. Expenses continue to be monitored closely, emphasizing the frugal practices of the staff. February did close with a surplus.
Pastor Holly provided a report from the AHUMC Foundation. Bill Balthrope has stepped down as the Foundation Board President due to other commitments. He has been a valiant visionary for the Foundation in his two years, guiding the Foundation as it has developed plans for future initiatives for growth. We thank Bill for his dedication. Roger Lind was unanimously elected by the Foundation Board as the new President. Roger has been a stalwart for the church and is a blessing to the Foundation. We are grateful to Roger and delighted to welcome him back to the Board of Stewards.
Carr Hornbuckle provided the Trustee report for the meeting. He updated us regarding the sale of our Asbury property and presented a resolution for Board approval for a $150,000 grant application to the Department of Homeland Security for safety and security upgrades to the campus. The Board approved. Carr also advised us that buyer of the Asbury property has withdrawn their offer. Kacey Brewer, the Trustees, and staff have been in consultation with the church’s attorney regarding this latest development. Next steps are being evaluated as to the best way to proceed.
The SPRC (Staff Pastor Relations Committee) chair, David Kinder, presented a recommendation for a love offering for Pastor Dinah Shelly as she moves on to her new position as Senior Pastor of Spring Creek UMC. The Board unanimously approved. We also congratulated Pastor Robert Ortiz in his move to the preaching position for the modern worship services in the CLC. We are blessed with the talents and gifts that Robert has brought to the church and are excited about this next move. Pastor Holly is working with the Rio Texas staff on a new Pastor for Missions and Outreach.
The church continues to move forward as the pandemic wains. Prayers for continued healing. May God’s blessings be on each of you during this holy season.