Board of Stewards Update: August 2022
Kitty Meyers, Board Chair
The August 2022 Board of Stewards meeting opened with a welcome and then the opening prayer from Pastor Ryan. Following the roll call, the June minutes were approved. The first order of business was the motion by Pastor Jason and Foundation Board chair Roger Lind for the approval of a new appointment to that board. Tracy Vardiman was nominated to fill the open position and then approved by the Church board following Book of Discipline procedures.
Finance Chair Dianne Dorsett presented the finance report. While revenues are below budget for the month and year, the weekly plate collections continue to trend above showing an increase in visitors. The staff continues to do a good job of controlling expenses. The maintenance staff is conducting irrigation audits to control the water usage. The Modern Worship service has a new computer. The net results for July is favorable to projections as well as the year-to-date numbers. Dianne also briefed that the auditor’s report was very good with no items to report. She recommended to the board the action to add Pastor Jason as a signer to the checking and investments accounts. The board approved.
Trustee Chair Carr Hornbuckle provided updates on the several projects. He advised that Steve Waters, who was so instrumental in helping us with the sale of the Asbury property, is helping guide through the leasing of the upper parking lot. This is to be a 99-year lease for a building that will be compatible with our church mission. One offer has been received and others have inquired.
The second project discussed was the development of the San Pedro Central or “Mission Central”, two tentative names for the community project in the Asbury area. Carr briefed us on the visit to the Northern Hills UMC Ministry Center located on Perrin Central. He discussed the variety of services provided. Pastors Robert and Janet are spearheading the development of the concepts and initiatives that our church will provide along the San Pedro corridor. Some ideas include worship, various social services, the Hope Center and continued partnership with the Wesley nurse and Methodist Healthcare Ministry. Carr reminded the board that any funds generated from the sale of Asbury will be used for this project in accordance with UMC Discipline and not for AHUMC general operations.
The last item briefed from the Trustee committee was the update on the Basse Road monument sign. It is beautiful. The staff is learning the software to optimize the opportunities and to ensure security. The balance of the funds allotted to the project will be used for landscaping.
SPRC Chair David Kinder announced the addition of Kathey Adams as the new Youth Director. He then informed the board of the departure of Dana Hawkins as Finance Director. Her last day will be September 8. Renee Kizziar will be helping out in the finance department during the interim. A search is underway for Dana’s replacement. Dana has been faithfully helping as the welcoming coordinator. Staff is discussing the next steps for this position.
Pastor Jason addressed the need for a more open and welcoming presence that includes the involvement of the board and the congregation. He has received feedback of an unintentional coldness to newcomers attending Sunday service. He charged each of us to make concerted efforts to promote the openness of a welcoming community.
The meeting ended with a closing prayer from Pastor Janet. Our next meeting is Thursday, September 15 at 5:30pm in the Seminar Room, W100.
Kitty Meyers
Chair of the AHUMC Board of Stewards