Dear AHUMC Family,
We continue to give thanks to God for you and the beautiful ministry that this church so faithfully administers in the name of Christ. There is so much to celebrate, so much goodness in the witness of this body of believers, and so much love poured into the world through this church’s ministry. Christ is very much alive in our midst! And so, as we look forward to the coming year, we are confident that God’s transforming love in Jesus Christ will continue to be the firm foundation of our church. As we seek to grow our ministries in 2022, we ask that you prayerfully pledge your support to the life-changing work of Alamo Heights United Methodist Church.
With a letter sent last week, or by clicking here, you can review the following materials:
We encourage you to read through these two items prayerfully and to discuss them with your family. Every single person is important to the work of Christ through the church. Your gifts matter to God and to Alamo Heights United Methodist Church.
Once your Pledge Card is completed, please seal it in the envelope provided and bring it with you to worship on October 31. We will dedicate our gifts to God that morning and celebrate our future together as a church family. If you are unable to attend worship that day, please return your Pledge Card to the church as soon as you can.
We invite you to join us as we continue to build the firm foundation of our church on the redeeming love of Jesus Christ. By the power of that great love, we are confident that Alamo Heights United Methodist Church will reach out in even bolder ways to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Senior Pastor
Finance Chair
Welcome all People. Build Community. Share God’s Love. Serve the World.