2021 Year End Financial Update

The Church meets 99% of the Net Projected Budget


God’s Blessings Abound!


What an amazingly generous church you are! During the month of December, the church received over $587,000 in receipts. Most of these receipts were contributions made by our very faithful AHUMC Community. We closed the year with $3,022,986 in revenues: 94% of our target.


Throughout the year, AHUMC staff was asked to be as frugal as possible, and the church was able to achieve an expense savings of over  $274,000. These savings, along with the generous support of our church family, enabled AHUMC to meet 99% of our budgeted needs for 2021! We closed the year with a net deficit of approximately -$9000.  A tremendous result given the difficulties we all faced during the year. You are an awesome church family!  Many of you faithfully supported the church with your offerings throughout the year, many of you sacrificially gave special year end gifts, and the AHUMC Foundation made an enhanced contribution from its legacy funds to make sure that our ministries could continue God’s work even as the pandemic ensued.

Thank you all for sharing your blessings with your church! 


Together we continue to welcome all people, build community, share God’s love, and serve the world.