Meet Our Staff: Kacey Brewer

Kacey Brewer is the Director of Facilities at Alamo Heights United Methodist Church. She has served on staff for one year, and you can read more of her story below!



I grew up in Christ United Methodist Church in Sugar Land, Texas. When I walked around the halls, the handmade banners, children's art on the walls...even the smell of a building with a lot of life and love in it (weirdly enough) made it feel like coming home!


Matt Scott and Chris DiSabato are a big part of why I am here. Sitting down with them for my interview felt like turning a leaf over in my life. I felt accepted, understood and cherished very early on. I wanted to be part of a family that so naturally encouraged me and supported me.


A funny story while on staff: Within months of my arrival, the staff and some volunteers learned from me that I cannot read or dish out sarcasm. So, I shared my family's trick: Sarcasm brackets. Just hold up your hands in the shape of brackets around your face anytime you are about to be sarcastic. It leaves no room for misunderstanding, with or without the proper tone. It stuck. I'm grateful for people who learn my weaknesses and aim to make life easier for me! :)


I love spending time with and learning from the people on staff and in the congregation. We are from all walks of life. In just one year of being at this church, I have learned so much from listening to everyone's stories and advice. What a gift to be surrounded by so much wisdom, culture and diversity!


I am drawn this season to deepening my relationship and understanding with Christ.


There is something special happening here. The teaching that is available and the heart of the people is evident and moving. It is an honor to be part of it.


Click HERE to share this social card with Kacey's insight.
